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 Baia Mare's City Hall
Consiliul local > Prerogatives

The Prerogatives of the Local Council

The Local Council has initiative and decides, within the law, all the problems regarding the municipality excepting those which are given through the law to other public, local or central authorities.
The Local Council has the following prerogatives:

a. Chooses from the councilors the vice-mayor, decides within the legal norm the number of persons of the Local Council ;
b. It grants the statute of commune or town and the organizing and functioning rules of the council;
c. Approves and notices ,if it is the case, studies and prognosis of social-economic development or organization and territorial improvement, studies of territorial improvement and urbanism ;
d. It grants, if the mayor proposes, within the law, the organization chart, the number of the persons who work in the city hall, the position status, the organizing and functioning their own specialty device/machinery , of the public institutions and services but also of the independent administrations of local interest;
e. It grants the local budget, the loans, credits and the way the budgetary reserve is managed, it grants the finishing account of the budgetary exercise, it establishes the local taxes and also special taxes within the law;
f. It manages the public and private domain of the commune or the town;
g. It decides the leasing, granting or lending , within the law, of public goods of the commune or town , as it is the case, and of the public services of local interest;
h. It decides the selling, granting or lending the goods which are private property of the commune or the town as it is the case and within the law ;
i. It sets up social, commercial and public service institutions of local interest; it follows, controls and analyses their activity, it institutes, following the general criteria established by law, organization and functioning standards for the public institutions and services of local interest; it names and releases from the public positions within the law the leaders of public institutions of local interest and also the leaders of some institutions subordinated to the local council, it gives disciplinary sanctions to the persons named into function by it;
j. It decides upon the founding and reorganization of independent administrations of local interest; it exercise on behalf the administrative territorial unite all the rights the share holders have in commercial companies which it founded; It decides the privatization of these companies, it names and releases from their positions the members of the administrative council of the independent administrations which are under its authority;
k. It analyses and approves, within the bounds of the law, the territory arranging and urbanism documentation of the localities, establishing material and financial necessary means for accomplishing this; it approves the allotment of local founds from the local budget for preventing flooding, fires, disasters and weather dangerous phenomena;
l. It establishes the necessary means for the construction, maintenance and modernization of the roads, bridges and also of the entire infrastructure belonging to the communication ways of local interest ;
m. It approves, within the bounds of the law, the technical- economic documentation and also the investment works of local interest and insures the necessary conditions for the realization of this;
n. It ensures, within its ability, the financial and material necessary conditions for the good functioning of public institutions and education, health, culture, youth and sports services; the maintenance of public order, the defense against fires and civil protection under its authority; it follows and controls their activity ;
o. It decides the granting of stimulants and other facilities, in the localities with fewer physicians or medical staff, within the bounds of the law, for the purpose of ensuring medical help to the population, these kind of facilities can be granted also to teachers;
p. It contributes to the organizing of scientific, cultural, artistic, sport and entertainment activities ;
q. It decides regarding the public order, it ensures the activity of public officers, Police and Constabulary, Firehouse and the civil protection systems and comes with proposals for improving their activity;
r. It acts on behalf the of environment protection with the purpose of rising the quality of life, it contributes to the protection, restoration, keeping and increasing the value of the historical and architectural monuments, parks and natural reservation within their legal capacity;
s. It contributes to the making of protection measures and social assistance, it ensures the child's rights given by law, it approves the criterion for giving social housing, it institutes and insures the functioning of some charity institutions;
t. It founds and organizes fairs, markets, parks and places of entertainment, sport bases and insures their proper functioning;
  It gives or changes within the bound of the law street names, market names and objective of local interest names;
v. It offers to Romanian and foreign persons, with special merits, the title of honorific citizen of the commune or the town;
w. It decides within the bounds of the law the cooperation or association with Romanian or foreign juridical persons, with non governmental organizations and with other social partners for realizing some actions or jobs, services or projects of public local interest; it decides the fraternity between a commune or a town with similar administrative territorial unites from other countries ;
x. It decides within the bounds of the law the cooperation or association with other public local authorities from the country or abroad and also the adheration with national or international associations of the public local administration authorities, with the purpose of promoting some common interests;
y. It supports, within the bounds of the law, the activity of religious cults ;
z. It ensures commerce freedom and stimulates the free initiative within the bound of the law;

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